Local economies | Wealth and inequality Art in the Aftermath of Disasters As compounding crises have plunged Puerto Rico into darkness, local artists bring light back to the island. Yue Li | Aug 8, 2023
Indigenous lands Biodiversity on the Ballot in Ecuador After a decade of resistance, Ecuadorians will finally vote to preserve Yasunà National Park or allow oil exploitation. Gabriela Barzallo | Jul 31, 2023
Indigenous lands Biodiversidad en la Papeleta Electoral en Ecuador A lo largo de estos últimos 10 años, Yasunidos se ha caracterizado por la resiliencia, el aprendizaje constante y el compromiso inquebrantable. Gabriela Barzallo | Jul 31, 2023
Pollution Finding Climate Solutions in Fairy Tales What can stories of witches tell us about solving the plastics problem? Becky Tipper, Katherine Ellsworth-Krebs | Jul 14, 2023
Jobs | Indigenous lands The Young People Reshaping Wildfire Policy FireGeneration advocates for Indigenous-led, youth-powered approaches to the wildfire crisis Colleen Hagerty | Jul 10, 2023
How Wildfire Smoke Impacts Our Health Yes, even when the fire is hundreds of miles away. Christopher T. Migliaccio | Jul 3, 2023
Native rights A Young Chief Helps His Tribe Navigate the Climate Crisis Devon Parfait, 25, knows climate change may wipe out his people's lands, but he’s not willing to lose their culture, too. Zoe Dutton | Jun 16, 2023
One Climate Disaster, Three Different Responses When record-setting rain fell in Brazil, responses varied between communities—and so did the number of lives lost. Ricardo Lobato Felizola | Jun 15, 2023
Climate Justice | Co-ops | Cooperatives | Local economies | Renewable energy Community-Powered Solar in Puerto Rico With climate-fueled hurricanes in their past and future, Puerto Ricans are taking back their power. Katherine Rapin | Jun 13, 2023
Native rights | Indigenous lands Julian Aguon Seeks Climate Justice Through Storytelling and the Law The author and attorney believes we can overcome by leaning into relations—human and nonhuman alike. Breanna Draxler | Jun 9, 2023
LGBTQ+ Climate Solutions Need Queerness Queer ecology embraces the plurality and paradox of nature, rather than forcing it into the binaries and categories that our society craves. Owen George | Jun 8, 2023
Water Indian Villages Revive Ancient Water Practices Spring-fed sources may help prepare for a drier climate future in the Himalayas. Kalpana Sunder | May 18, 2023
Meals on Wheels Delivers Food and Climate Resilience for Seniors Meal delivery programs are uniquely positioned to keep the most vulnerable safe during climate emergencies. Danielle Renwick | May 16, 2023
Mental health How to Ditch the Earth Day Lip Service A psychotherapist shares how to move from inertia to action with an eye to climate justice. Ariella Cook-Shonkoff | Apr 20, 2023
Overcoming Climate Chaos With Comedy Turns out, being able to laugh at something increases our ability to understand it—and take action. Katharine Gammon | Apr 14, 2023
How to Make Flying Fairer Choosing to fly less as an individual does not address the social injustice that underlies flying in the first place. Katherine Ellsworth-Krebs | Apr 7, 2023
Sustainable food and farming | Indigenous lands | Native rights Why Intergenerational Thinking Is Essential to Heal the Planet As humankind grapples with climate change, communities around the world show what’s possible by planning hundreds of years ahead. Anne Pinto-Rodrigues | Apr 4, 2023
Renewable energy Italy’s Model for Renewable Energy Communities The goal is to empower people’s energy choices and habits while creating community cohesion and local governance. Lucrezia Lozza | Mar 23, 2023
Education Instead of Alarmism, This Climate Class Includes Solutions A student-turned-teacher aims to equip college students with the knowledge to help solve the climate crisis. Jessica Kutz | Mar 21, 2023
Sustainable food and farming How Farms (and Their Wild Pollinators) Can Survive the Stress of Climate Change Rewilding landscapes on and around farms can create refugia to protect plants and pollinators in the face of a warming, drying climate. Lela Nargi | Mar 8, 2023
Visions Beyond an Apocalypse Science fiction writers explore better climate endings. Jonita Davis | Feb 27, 2023
Can We Game Our Way Out of the Climate Crisis? People want to engage with climate change in a tangible way—and games can provide students and the general public space to explore challenging questions. Zoe Dutton | Feb 14, 2023
Local economies | Sustainable food and farming Why Farmers in Zimbabwe Are Shifting to Bees Without the need for dedicated land or water, honeybees offer a more stable climate future. Andrew Mambondiyani | Feb 6, 2023
How Mobile Home Communities Are Adapting for Climate Change From Vermont to Montana, officials and residents in manufactured housing communities are working to mitigate flood risk. Sarah Amandolare | Jan 3, 2023
Sustainable food and farming Could Breadfruit Help Trinidad and Tobago Brace for Climate Change? Despite its colonial origins, breadfruit is now the subject of international research to evaluate its potential as a staple crop in a warming world. Jade Prévost-Manuel | Jan 2, 2023