
The Lake And the ‘hood
Mono Lake activists fought a 16-year David-versus-Goliath battle against the city's Department of Water and Power (DWP) to stop water diversions to Los Angeles. Yet the rural community and the city have emerged from the fray as watershed partners.
Surviving the Great Dying
As an era of extinctions unfolds, the dawning understanding of its links to our own health could energize a movement to save us all
Health Hunger And Hunting
a story of a vegetarian who learned how to hunt on his land. He developed his own personal ecology, which included eating locally and responsible hunting.
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Urban Peacemaker
Nane Alexandrez returned from Vietnam to a community struggling with drugs, violence, and poverty. Determined to reach young people with alternatives to violence, he started Barrios Unidos. but to succeed, he found he had to confront his own addiction.
Mushroom Power
bioremediation using mushrooms, How fungi can cleanse water and toxic spills
Instead of Empire
Phylis Bennis, Harlan Cleveland, Frank T. Griswold, Michael Lerner, and Marc Luyckx :: A roundtable exploration of what might happen if the U.S. chose a path that is neither the Clinton-promoted future of corporate globalization, nor the Bush Doctrine of endless war.
Building a New Force
Nonviolent intervenors transform our response to conflict. Building a new force by Michael n. Nagler, an article on the Nonviolent Peaceforce. 精东影业 A Journal of Positive Futures,
Economies For Life
While the ruling elites occupy themselves with seeking to restore faith in the pathological institutions on which their power and privilege were built, the rest of us can embrace this moment of economic failure as an historic opportunity. Through our individual and collective choices, we can grow into being the economic institutions, relationships, and culture of a just, sustainable, and compassionate world of living economies that work for all.

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