
¾«¶«Ó°Òµ Article archive

India’s Silent But Singing Revolution

India's silent but singing revolution, by Pramila Jayapal. Swadyaya social movement in India is based on the belief that God resides within, all people and nature are connected, and a person's responsibility is only to do one's duty to the best of one's capability for God and without attachment to the fruits of the labor.
Pramila Jayapal

Garden of Simplicity

garden of simplicity, by Duane Elgin. Simplicity is the new mantra for the overworked, over-stressed, and over-cluttered, and for those who want to lighten their impact on the Earth. The author of the classic book on voluntary simplicity says the ways to simplicity are many.
Duane Elgin
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Song of the Land

Mohave Creation Song cycle describes relation of the Mohave to their land and helps prevent Ward Valley from becoming a nuclear waste dump.
Philip M. Klasky
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Simplicity Double-Speak

When big media attempts to horn in on the simplicity movement, author and voluntary simplicity spokeperson Vicki Robin draws a line in the sand
Vicki Robin
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Hog Heaven

combining some old-fashioned animal husbandry with new, low-tech facility design and sophisticated ideas about the relationships between livestock and the land.
Brian DeVore
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Farms of the Future

Contrary to myths about the efficiency of corporate agriculture, family farmers are the most efficient producers - and they produce much more than food
Senator Byron Dorgan
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From DC: A New Global Solidarity

In the spring issue of ¾«¶«Ó°Òµ, I suggested that those eager to join the momentum for change so evident at the World Trade Organization protests in Seattle might want to
Fran Korten
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Divine Daughters

¾«¶«Ó°Òµ A Journal of Positive Futures, Spring 2000: new stories, divine daughters, a poem by Rachel Bagby
Rachel Bagby
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November 30 WTO Showdown

The most dramatic confrontations took place on November 30 (N30), when thousands of protesters blocked WTO delegates from reaching the meeting. Author Paul Hawken was among them.
Paul Hawken
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Making Peace In Macedonia

The key elements of conflict prevention in Macedonia have been: • Domestic political will. • International presence.• NGOs. Breaking down media ghettos
Eran Fraenkel, John Marks
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