
¾«¶«Ó°Òµ Article archive

The Greatest Danger

In the face of global warming it is hard to escape a sense of outrage, fear, despair. Author, deep-ecologist, and Buddhist scholar Joanna Macy says that speaking the truth of our anguish for the world brings down the walls between us, drawing us into deep solidarity.
Joanna Macy

Living Wealth: Better Than Money

If there is to be a human future, we must bring ourselves into balanced relationship with one another and the Earth. This requires building economies with heart.
David Korten

Cuba’s Cure

By investing in health care that is holistic and focuses on prevention, Cuba has created one of the most effective systems in the world. Cuban doctors are engaged in missions throughout poor parts of the world, exchanging medical know-how for positive diplomatic relations.
Sarah van Gelder

Java Justice

A Jewish Ugandan coffee farmer partners with Christian and Muslim neighbors to produce jobs, understanding, and a great coffee. Thanksgivingcoffee.com
Dee Axelrod
Nativity Scene in Mexico

A Stranger at the Door

Although Las Posadas is a beautiful ritual, the reality it addresses is a painful one: the reality of human need and exclusion.
Anna Maria Pineda

95 Theses or Articles of Faith for a Christianity for the Third Millennium

Like Luther, I present 95 theses or in my case, 95 faith observations drawn from my 64 years of living and practicing religion and spirituality. I trust I am not alone in recognizing these truths. For me they represent a return to our origins, a return to the spirit and the teaching of Jesus and his prophetic ancestors, and of the Christ which was a spirit that Jesus’ presence and teaching unleashed.
Matthew Fox

Two Crises, One Solution

We face devastation of the natural world and violence in human communities. There's a way to solve both these crises. A reverence movement would anchor a different economics, a restorative economics. Working with nature, we can create wealth sustainably and spread it more equitably. Solution-based, investment-driven environmentalism.
Van Jones

Bill Moyers – On Journalism

Some journalists are stubbornly pursuing the truth despite growing media monopolies, government secrecy, ideology, and public relations spin doctors—but it’s getting tougher
Bill Moyers

A Phoenix from the Ashes

Our youth, our natural world, our neighbors—all are treated as expendables. What we need is a joining of movements based on valuing all life.
Van Jones

Mother of Exiles

In the U.S. today, immigrants are taking the blame for everything from environmental stresses to terrorism to the poor job market. What’s at stake for all of us in this debate?
Pramila Jayapal
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