The Kashia’s success might be the first time that a tribe in the U.S. has held a private deed—as well as management rights—to their ancestral lands.
She can’t remember recipes, and food doesn’t taste the same, but Paula Wolfert believes that what she eats is key to helping her slow her cognitive decline.
Since 2010, the Unist’ot’en have fought the transit of fossil fuels through their hereditary lands. In the last few days, police finally moved in. Here’s how we got to this point.
The climate conversation we are going to have in 30 years—or in 12 years—will depend entirely on what we do today. And I mean today. This week, this season, this year.
The effort to divest from Wall Street—and stop environment-killing projects gained momentum after the historic pipeline protest. Here’s what a city needs, and could gain, from municipal banking.
Around the world, people are realizing the current path will lead only to disaster, and they’re beginning to ask the hard questions about what to do next.