
Communities Take Power

Communities across the country are declaring citizens' right and duty to protect their water, land, local economy, and way of life, even if it means taking on the enormous power of corporations. Here are some of the peaceful revolutionaries who have stepped up.
Doug Pibel

Who Will Rule?

Big corporation have become de facto governments, and the ethic that dominates corporations has come to dominate society. But, citizen movements are proving that we can take on corporate power, and together build a future that works for all life. This article gives hope on how to change the current corporate rule to citizen rule.
Marjorie Kelly, Michael Marx

Bringing Back Desert Springs

The Hopi people of the Black Mesa region know how to farm and thrive in the desert Southwest. But a giant coal company is draining the aquifer that feeds their sacred springs and makes their livelihood possible.
Gary Nabhan
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