
Rythea Lee

Rythea Lee

is a performing artist who uses humor, dance, music, and spoken word to create performances that are interactive and heart-rendering. Lee has published two books: Trauma into Truth: Gutsy Healing and Why It’s Worth It, a Question and Answer book for survivors of childhood sexual abuse and their allies, on the path of recovery, as well as The Advice from a Loving Bitch Curriculum, an educational guide that goes with Rythea’s 20-Episode Youtube Show, Advice from a Loving Bitch. Rythea wrote, directed, and starred in that series that has become the basis for her ongoing online support groups and trainings, co-facilitated with Divinah Erving. She also writes for her new Patreon forum, www.patreon.com/rythealee, on subjects related to trauma, parenting, children’s rights, and the underbelly of intimacy. She can be reached through her website: www.rythea.com

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