
The Crunch: The Michigan Town That’s Sending All Its Kids to College (And Other News to Chew On)

This week we're talking about universal parental leave, how California's winning the drought, and $5,000 scholarships for every kid in Baldwin, Michigan.

Welcome to The Crunch, our weekly roundup of stories from around the web. Like reading the news while chomping on granola. Here’s what we’ve been chewing on lately.

Was Netflix on to something?

This Washington Post articles asks, “Is Parental Leave Unfair?”  The piece argues that paid parental leave shouldn’t just be a perk for the elite, but something that all employees in the U.S. should get. (via )

Despite Drought, California is “winning”

California may be in its fifth year of drought, but, as this New York Times author puts it, the state is faring fabulously. Its population and economy are booming and its farmers are getting innovative with their water sources. So, what’s in store for the drought of 2045? (via )

What do activists do?

What outcomes does activism really have? Are activist actions just stunts? Or can someone really create change by rappelling off a bridge? (via ) 

“Trickle-down justice”

This article answers the question of why Black Lives Matter protesters interrupted Bernie Sanders, and how necessary it was. White liberals don’t get how blind we are to systemic racism, and how, as Van Jones says, “trickle-down justice” doesn’t cut it. (via )

What happens when a community sends its kids to college?

A town in one of the poorest counties in Michigan is sending all of its students to collegeor it’s trying to at least. It promised $5,000 scholarships to all students. Baldwin has seen the effects, with higher college enrollment rates and kindergartners already planning for their degrees. Turns out, helping kids go to college makes them want to go to college. (via )

Alternative currencies spring up in Greece

In the wake of Greece’s financial crisis, citizens are turning to a barter system, using alternative currencies and finding it does good for the community, and the individual. (via )


All photos from Shutterstock.

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